Packaging is one of the fields in which the graphic designer must deal with the complex problems that are frequently taken by the progress of publicizing: in this area, the carton was established, directly provided by the paper industry, on a careful investigation market and the recognition of consumer sectors.


Actually, the wish to express the product has been increasingly felt, by furnishing it – thanks to the package – an identity capable of expressing its objective and value to the user.

If a packaging wants to emerge, especially if it is bind to a consumer product, it has to certainly vary from the others belonging to the same stock. This is likely if the packaging is represented by a powerful identity, and this result can only be obtained through accurate publicity of the corporate image. Effective pharmaceutical packaging is the arrangement between the image of the product and the image of the firm: if it is well-prepared, it enhances the product and strengthens the image of the brand and the company. Indeed, one of the issues of identification of a company is also that of the continuity of the image and of its design, and how to keep them constant over time wIThout giving up the necessary updates.
Part of this task is entrusted to the packaging, which requires to be revisioned regularly to be sure it remains up to date with the market. Developments in design may seem minimal and yet they are crucial if you want the brand to keep its power without getting older.