Substantial number of people and couples at present face the problem connected with the fact they are unable to have children in traditional way. Thanks to various complications they find themselves in hard situation, as they have everything to guarantee a child proper growth and conditions for further improvement, but the woman might not become pregnant. Therefore, the medicine these days has developed various alternatives that aim is to offer similar people an opportunity to have their child they have always thought about.
An example that still is related to a lot of discussions is IVF abroad. The reason why this solution is a term of debate between for instance Catholic Church and other groups of people is, first and foremost, because a variety of egg cells that have been fertilized, are wasted during this process or stored in non-humanitarian way. One of the most crucial arguments of the first side is that improving acceptance for such practices leads to the fact that the life, which ought to be the most crucial value, might be easily manipulated.
However, on the other hand, people, who also do as much as they can in order to guarantee the best possible conditions for a possible children to grow up properly, also have their point. A child is generally a factor that makes marriages be substantially stronger and reasonable as they are arranged in order to guarantee a healthy and stable environment for the children to live and develop (comments).
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Hence, even though IVF abroad is with no doubt an option that is not accepted inter alia by the Church, we need to also not forget that in substantial number of cases it is an option that can realize the dreams of responsible parents and make their marriage be even better.
Autor: Luigi Guarino
In the light of the points mentioned above, above analyzed arguments regards IVF abroad only prove that in terms of in vitro there is a demand for a dialogue between its opponents and supporters, as both sides are, to some extent, right. Cooperation between both groups and healthy pressure on developments in this topic might end up in the fact that this solution would ascertain no risk for the fertilized egg cells.